What Is The Need For NeuroFeedback Therapy?

Neurofeedback therapy is habitually used to treat ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), and it intends to alter the method by which a person’s brain retorts to some stimuli. This therapy is also helpful in treating other disorders like insomnia, depression, anxiety, epilepsy, and various other kinds of mental health issues. Though it is a pretty old method, the research that surrounds neurofeedback therapy emerges as incessant and inconclusive. So, even if it does not seem to be a cure-all, evidence shows that it is a hugely effective treatment that caters to some patients.

The working of NeuroFeedback therapy

Neurofeedback tries to assist patients in deliberately controlling their brainwaves. It accomplishes this task by measuring particular brainwaves based on the problem that is being treated. Alpha waves are related to readiness, peacefulness, deep relaxation, and meditation, whereas beta waves are featured in sustained attention, concentration, alertness, thrill, and tension. Hence, alpha waves seem to be targeted for treating conditions such as anxiety and stress. On the other hand, beta waves work to enhance features, such as focus and attention, and they are related to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

The job of neurofeedback therapy is to monitor people’s brains for brainwave activity. It provides feedback almost immediately, mostly via audio or visual cues. For instance, the therapy administrators watch something while measuring people’s beta waves. If a person manifests beta waves, then the screen glows up in response, and when he inhibits the beta waves, then the screen darkens. Hence, people get sufficient strength to repeat their behaviour to receive the reward. At times, patients see their awaited improvements in several months, but there isn’t any consensus on the sessions they require before they can exert control over their brainwaves. The effects of the therapy last for a long time, even in the absence of ongoing treatment.

Undergoing NeuroFeedback Therapy

Though lots of medical professionals claim that they can offer neurofeedback therapy, you must look for someone who is a certified person, as certifications confirm the training of a person. The most important thing is the certified person meets all the necessary prerequisites. When people discover their sanctioned provider, they will go through the following session:

  • Make the mood– The room should be comforting and relaxing so that patients feel comfortable while undergoing neurofeedback therapy.
  • Get connected to electrodes– Neurofeedback therapy is similar to EEG or electroencephalography, as its session begins by equipping a person with a cap, headband, or a helmet that has attached electrodes.
  • Take part in the stimulus activity– Whatever a patient does in the session is dependent on the issue he has been attempting to treat. For instance, he can watch something present on a screen, close his eyes, and pay heed to the audio. Alternatively, he can get involved in a kind of activity, such as playing a video game. At times, patients sit on a chair or just lie down.


Neurofeedback seems to be significant in treating disorders like depression, ADHD, anxiety, autism spectrum disorder, epilepsy, drug addiction, insomnia, learning disabilities, and schizophrenia.

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